Infernium Wiki

Infernium is a videogame released in 2018 developed by Carlos Coronado. In Infernium you take the form of a wanderer, someone who somehow has arrived to a distant, unfamiliar environment full of challenges to overcome.

Your main goal in Infernium is to earn five harvesting fingers to progress through the main stair and acces to the ending area.

Infernium is a challenging but fair videogame. You will have to overcome invencible enemies by running away and being smart using your hands and the perks you will earn in your way.

The world of Infernium is permanent and interconected, with the permadeath system always being present in your back. Choose your steps carefully, but wisely and you will reach the top of the stairs, Wanderer.


Infernium is a "Dark Souls level design meets Amnesia and survival horror Gameplay". This is probably the best way to define the gameplay of Infernium. Throw into that mix some very beautifull environments, a permadeath system and a Lore about five amateur nowadays explorers and you will get Infernium.
